Rejuvenize Massage Therapy
Rediscover Wellness, One Massage at a Time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my massage or bodywork session take place?
Must I be completely undressed?
Will the practitioner be present when I disrobe?
Will I be covered during the session?
What parts of my body will be massaged?
What will the massage or bodywork feel like?
Are there different kinds of massage and bodywork?
What should I do during the massage or bodywork session?
How will I feel after the massage or bodywork session?
What are the benefits of massage and bodywork?
Are there any medical conditions that would make massage or bodywork inadvisable?

Where will my massage or bodywork session take place?
Your experience will unfold in the comfort of your own surroundings with our mobile massage service, or if you prefer, you can choose to enjoy it in our location. We meticulously transform any space into a tranquil environment, complete with soft, soothing music to enhance your relaxation. Rest assured, whether in your own space or ours, you'll rest upon a specially crafted table, ensuring your utmost comfort throughout your session. 

Must I be completely undressed?
While most massage and bodywork techniques traditionally involve unclothed clients, your comfort is our priority. Feel free to undress to your level of comfort. Throughout your session, you'll be expertly draped to preserve your modesty and ensure a sense of ease and relaxation.

Will the practitioner be present when I disrobe?
To respect your privacy, your practitioner will step out momentarily while you disrobe and settle onto the table, allowing you to prepare in peace before your session begins.

Will I be covered during the session?
Absolutely. You'll remain comfortably draped throughout your entire session, ensuring warmth and relaxation while only the area being worked on is exposed.

What parts of my body will be massaged?
Prepare to experience a comprehensive full-body session, encompassing soothing strokes across your back, arms, legs, feet, hands, head, neck, and shoulders.

What will the massage or bodywork feel like?
Indulge in the luxurious sensation of a Swedish massage, the quintessential relaxation experience. Starting with gentle, flowing strokes to calm your nervous system, your session will gradually progress to target specific areas of tension, melting away stress and promoting deep relaxation. To enhance your comfort, a light oil or lotion will be used, hydrating your skin and facilitating smooth, friction-free movements. 

Are there different kinds of massage and bodywork?
Indeed, there's a wealth of massage and bodywork techniques to explore, each offering unique benefits. From gentle rubbing strokes to targeted pressure application, we'll guide you through the options to find the perfect fit for your needs.

What should I do during the massage or bodywork session?
Prior to your session, feel free to ask any questions and communicate your preferences to your practitioner. Once the session begins, simply relax and let go as your practitioner expertly navigates the experience. Should you require adjustments or have any concerns, don't hesitate to speak up – your comfort is paramount.

How will I feel after the massage or bodywork session?
Prepare to emerge feeling deeply relaxed and rejuvenated. Many clients experience relief from long-standing tension and aches, enjoying heightened energy and mental clarity that can last for days. 

What are the benefits of massage and bodywork?
Massage and bodywork offer a wealth of benefits, from releasing muscular tension and improving circulation to reducing stress and promoting better sleep. Experience enhanced well-being and vitality as you embark on your journey to optimal health.

Are there any medical conditions that would make massage or bodywork inadvisable?

Yes, it's crucial to disclose any health concerns or medications to your practitioner before your session begins. Your safety and well-being are our top priorities, and we'll work together to ensure a safe and effective experience tailored to your needs.